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The GELP JAKARTA 24 program brought together education leaders from the Asia-Pacific region and around the world, to share progress and deepen understanding of educational transformation and examine its alignment with global trends and challenges.
Group photo with Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim and GELP JAKARTA 24 participants at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Indonesia
Key Themes
Over the last decade, conversations around educational transformation have focused on preparing young people for a future distinct from the present. That future has arrived, yet most education systems are still in the early stages of responding. New and urgent horizons continue to unfold, from the growing influence of artificial intelligence and global inequality to the intensifying threats of conflict and environmental challenges. Education transformation is now a necessity.
GELP JAKARTA 24 tackled the crucial question: what does transformative education look like in practice?
The program was framed around three interconnected dimensions of creating education system shift enabled by technology and fit for the future
Reconceptualising Leadership
Developing adaptive leadership to collaboratively steward the preferred future of education.
Redesigning the Profession
Rethinking educator work, workforce and workplace to enable system shift.
Reimagining Learning
Implementing student-centred learning environments that value a broad set of competencies and foster individual and collective wellbeing.
Together, these dimensions aim to establish education systems as digitally enabled learning ecosystems capable of adapting to future demands. See the full program below.

GELP Jakarta was a masterclass in system reform. It started with an in-depth exploration of the Indonesian system reform from a Ministerial/policy level right down to the school/teacher/student level. This real life example was then embedded in the theory of systems change experts such as Charlie Leadbeater and supplemented with examples of reform from across the region. A powerful learning experience for anyone working to change education.
The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture was a highly valued contributor to GELP JAKARTA 24, sharing their transformative Merdeka Belajar initiative in a full day program. The Ministry provided a unique view of this large-scale educational transformation - from the strategic vision established by the Minister of Education & Culture, The Hon Nadiem Anwar Makarim and the leadership of Director General of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education, Dr Iwan Syahril - to what it looks like in schools. School visits highlighted how Merdeka Belajar is reshaping teaching, learning, and leadership in Indonesian schools.
A defining moment of the GELP Jakarta convening was Minister Makarim’s conversation with Anthony Mackay. The Minister’s open and insightful reflections provided participants with a rare glimpse into the aspirations and leadership driving Indonesia’s education reform to best equip Indonesia for the future.
GELP JAKARTA 24 was a powerful platform for advancing the global conversation on educational transformation. Participants left inspired, equipped with new insights, and motivated to implement meaningful changes in their own contexts. We look forward to continuing this journey with the support of our valued partner Google for Education and all our expert contributors.
I look forward to GELP gatherings because I know I will both be challenged and supported by the amazing group that has been assembled through this community. It's incredible to engage with such thoughtful and passionate colleagues on complex challenges, and to learn from the innovative work happening across the globe. I deeply appreciate the opportunities to question our assumptions, to struggle with hard things, and to imagine our collective future. Thank you GELP team for organizing conversations that are truly meaningful.